Louisa Water Meter Replacement Project

NECO is pleased to have been selected as the installation contractor for the Louisa Water Meter Replacement project.

The project is scheduled to begin in November 2017. During the installation, your existing water meter will be replaced with a new meter and transmitter unit that will send readings directly to the Water Billing office. This new state-of-the-art meter reading system will allow for more accurate and consistent billing. It will also improve the City’s ability to provide the highest level of service to all of its water customers.

Look for our trucks and signs with the NECO logo. Be sure that the installer has a badge that identifies him as a NECO employee. If you have any questions, please call us.

A selection of Frequently Asked Questions can be viewed through the link below.

We thank you for your cooperation.

Schedule an appointment.

Installations can be scheduled Monday – Thursday with limited times on Saturdays. Please select your preferred date and time frame. We will confirm that it is available or contact you to arrange an alternate time.



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